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[GENT] G Entertainment Group Plc

Yongxiong Zheng 44.24 %44.24 %
Hui XU Vicky 17.44 % (1)17.44 % (2)
Blackrun Ventures Limited9.75 %9.75 %

(1) Vicky Hui Xu owns 100% of Jenwell Ltd, 100% of Areteos Venture Investment Group Ltd, 50% of Lottalot Limitd (indirectly her wholly owned company, Areteos Venture Investment Group Limited) and 50% of Blackrun Venture Limited (indirectly through her wholly owned companies, Maetel Capital Limited and the Hon Organisation).

(2) Vicky Hui Xu owns 100% of Jenwell Ltd, 100% of Areteos Venture Investment Group Ltd, 50% of Lottalot Limitd (indirectly her wholly owned company, Areteos Venture Investment Group Limited) and 50% of Blackrun Venture Limited (indirectly through her wholly owned companies, Maetel Capital Limited and the Hon Organisation).