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Athos: Reminder for warrant exercise

Athos Diamond Center Public Ltd would like to remind all warrant holders that the third period of warrant exercise is November 1-30, 2004 at the price of 45 cents.

All warrant holders who wish to exercise their warrants must sign the relevant notification and submit it along with the required amount to:

a) The Popular Bank Ltd, account no. 063-31-060871 with a cheque payable to Athos Diamond Center Public Limited.

b) The Company’s registered office, 25 Poseidonos, Light House, 8042 K. Paphos.

The notification for each form submitted is irrevocable.

The company would like to notify all warrant holders that they should seriously consider the share’s trading price at the CSE during the warrant exercise period, before exercising any warrant. It is noted that the share’s price is lower than the warrant’s exercise price.

Friday, 24 September, 2004 - 10:16