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A total of 10.559 EU citizens to vote in Cyprus

14/05/2019 16:08

The total number of voters from EU countries in Cyprus, registered in the electoral list and have a right to vote, comes to 10.559, of which  5.704 are men and 4.885 women, the Chief Returning Officer said.

Voters from Greece rank first with 5743 (3272 male and 2471 female), followed by Bulgarian nationals, 1572 (740 male and 832 female) and Romanians 1433 (858 male and 575 female).  Fourth rank British nationals with 1319 registered voters, 612 male and  707 femaleγυναίκες)  with 144 Polish nationals ranking fifth (81 male and 63 female).

British nationals who are on the electoral register can vote through in person, by post or by proxy.

There are around 70 thousand British nationals in Cyprus, mostly pensioners, according to the British High Comission in Nicosia.